Imagining Utopia

We are born into this reality with the motor of the world already running.

This motor’s design, systems, structures, gears and fuel were setup by anonymous people in a distant past.

The objects in our world, the belief systems we adopt, and our outlook for the future are conveniently provided to us and taken for granted.

As an infant you absorb your surroundings and environment. You begin to classify shapes and colors in your mind. You assess things as good (bringing pleasure) or bad (bringing pain). To survive you rely on the good intentions of your parents, friends, community and country in which you live.

From a young age you begin to form a world view based on a blind faith in the knowledge passed down to you by your parents or caretakers. Your parents were born into the same world with the same motor running, and the pattern continues into lineage of your ancestors.

As you grow you make the best sense you can of the situation. Early on you spend your days at home with your family or out interacting with the people in your area. If you live in a modern nation you begin to watch TV or online entertainment. You begin to adopt the mannerisms of your parents, friends, role models, celebrities, heroes and influencers.

Was the guidance of these early role models based on truth? Was it based on an accurate understanding of the Laws of Nature? Was it based on an accurate understanding of human nature? Was it based on a clear understanding of history?

When you reach a certain age your are expected to attend school. This is generally a school which will teach you what the government wants you to learn, but what are this government’s motivations? What kind of people does an entrenched system of authority wish you to become?

Perhaps you attend a private school. Does this school need to be approved or accredited by the same government? Are the schools you attend setup to produce a certain kind of “citizen”.

Until the first time we realize we have been betrayed or used we assume that everyone has our best interests in mind. After gaining experience later in life we may realize that humans are motivated by a vast array of ideas.

Teachers have their own views which may be misguided. Television and Advertising companies also have their own views which may be misguided or worse yet intentionally misleading in order to turn a profit. How might governments manipulate populations in order to more easily manage them and maintain control?

Things are the way they are, for better or worse, and you become a product of your environment.

Perhaps we never give a second thought to the powers that actively guide civilization and influence our world view.

After all, we have limited evidence of when and how the world truly began except from scientific theories, religious scriptural sources, and myths and legends from the many cultures of the world.

Consider for a moment the continent, country, government, community, family, or religion you are born into. How do these factors shape how you view the world around you? How do they shape your opinions and prejudices of others beyond your community?

The culture you are born into is either ordered, becoming ordered, or is perhaps disintegrating into chaos.

How will these factors shape how you will answer the big questions in lifeā€¦

Who or What am I?

Where did I come from?

Where am I going?

What is my purpose here?

Are the answers to these questions brought to light or do they silently haunt us from cradle to grave?

What if truth could be known?

What if an accurate model of the world could be developed?

What if true harmony was not an eternal mirage on the horizon but a clear and present vivid reality?

What if we could truly create a better world based on the foundational principles of truth to inform our decisions, love to guide our actions, beauty to inspire us and freedom to fully express ourselves.

Would such a beautiful vision be worthy of your minutes, days and years?

Such is the mission of Ghost Nation.
